Friday, September 24, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who is your best friend and why is he you're best friend?

Right now, I would have to say Jared. He is always there, every day, 24/7, i can say stupid shit to him and he doesn't get mad or offended, he listens to me, he doesn't assume that I am trying to get something from him, and he makes me laugh every day.

Ask me anything

The favorites game. What is your fav movie, book, theaterplay, performance artist, actor, actress and person.

Game - Sims, Movie - Empire Records, Book - To Kill A Mockingbird, Play - Wicked, Performance Artist - ???, Actor - Jake Gyllenhaal, Actress - Sandra Bullock, Person - Everyone is my favorite. You are my favorite for taking an interest in me. Thank you.

Ask me anything

Friday, July 23, 2010

What would you do if you won say 100 million dollars?

Retire. I would like to fund a charity for foster kids to help them get on their feet after they leave the system. Most people don't think about the support we get after we leave our families, but Foster Kids don't get that support.

Ask me anything

What's your favorite type of flower?

Tulips (Two Lips) god I crack myself up!

Ask me anything

What's your biggest phobia?

Eating Ice Cream with a fork. Sitting down on a public toilet, snakes, handshaking.

Ask me anything